Monthly Archives: September 2017

Carey & Ray : Vow Renewal – 40 Year Anniversary

I’ve referred to them as, ‘My Parents of the North’  ….that’s what your best friend’s parents become when you live 150 miles from your own mom.  Carey & Ray recently renewed their wedding vows and celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary on the front steps of their beautiful, memory-filled home surrounded by their children & grandchildren in Lakeshore,…

South Long Lake : Brainerd, MN Family Portraits

It was a fun surprise to see an inquiry pop in from an old high school classmate.  Meghan explained the significance of her beloved family cabin and how it would soon be undergoing a major renovation.  Their hope was to capture updated family portraits in a setting near and dear to their hearts.  We gathered…

Grace : Pequot Lakes Class of 2018

Grace was an extra special high school senior to photograph for many of reasons… When I moved to the Lakes Area 11 years ago, babysitting Grace was my FIRST job.  She now watches MY daughter who is the same age as Grace was when I first met her.  Whewwww!  She is a beautiful, accomplished, kind-hearted young…

Walker, MN Family Photography : Leech Lake

I have had the pleasure of photographing this family many times and I love it more every time.  As I was sifting through their images I had a deep and recurring sense of gratitude toward Rachael for allowing me to photograph her family just as they are.  Too often, I find myself totally hung up…

Blake – Pequot Lakes Class of 2018

I had a great time photographing Blake’s senior photos at his home last month. He is a stand out athlete at PLHS and I was honored to be asked to capture this awesome time in his life:

The Blog

Welcome to my small corner of the internet ... a place where my personal life and photography business collide.

As Seen In
