my dad

He was so steady & so constant with his love and support, that just his mere presence meant I rarely worried.

The reassurance my dad offered made me realize no science project, no test score, and no change in college plans mattered as much as going for EXACTLY what I wanted to do with my life.  He and my mom quietly cheered me on through the birth of this business; always telling me how proud they were of me.  One night, while I still lived at home and went to a local college at night, he walked by my bedroom, peered his head around the door & called me his "Business Woman of the Year".  I can still hear him say those words.

My dad died of cancer in 2008, leaving a void in my life that can never be filled. All these years later, I'm thankful that his love and support set me soaring to achieve goals and expectations I had for myself; because of this, so much of what I have I owe to my wonderful father...  

These are a few of my favorite things

my girl.

my cookies.

my races.

my family.

my dad.

my travels.
